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The Challenges

• Lack of Sale Comparables: The unique features and high value of the property made it difficult to find comparable sales in the area, hindering the pricing strategy.

• Concerns About the Real Estate Market: Uncertainties in the real estate market, including fluctuations and shifts in buyer demand, created challenges in attracting potential buyers.

• High Interest Rates: Elevated interest rates posed a barrier to attracting qualified buyers and securing financing for such a high-priced property.

• Seller Relocation: The seller had relocated out of the country, complicating communication and decision-making processes.

• Staging Mishap: The initial staging attempt by a staging company failed to showcase the property's full potential, potentially deterring prospective buyers.

Project Management - Marketing - Sales

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Waymaker Approach

• Custom Home Analysis: Waymaker conducted a comprehensive home analysis, leveraging their expertise to identify areas for improvement. This analysis included recommendations for paint colors, furniture arrangements, artwork selection, outdoor lighting enhancements, and landscaping improvements to enhance the property's appeal and value.

• Custom Marketing Plan: Waymaker developed a tailored marketing plan to position the property as a distinctive and desirable home that surpassed others in the market. This included highlighting its unique features, such as panoramic views, luxurious amenities, and architectural excellence.

• Strategic Pricing Strategy: Despite the lack of comparable sales, Waymaker utilized their market knowledge and expertise to strategically price the property, taking into account its unique attributes and competitive advantages.

• International Communication: To accommodate the seller's relocation, Waymaker implemented effective communication channels, utilizing technology to facilitate virtual meetings, document signing, and decision-making processes.

• Staging Redemption: Following the staging mishap, Waymaker collaborated with a reputable staging company to rectify the situation. They ensured that the property was staged to perfection, showcasing its true potential and maximizing buyer interest.


Waymaker Made History By Implementing a Proven Strategy That Achieved Record Breaking Results;


Online Views


Prospective Buyers at Two Open Houses


Qualified Offers


*For homes .5 acre or less

Professional Video Walkthrough

More accessibility leads to more closings. We utilize video in our social media and email marketing to engage clients in a modern and compelling way anywhere in the world.
Professional Video Walkthrough


Beautiful photography is one of the most powerful tools for selling your home. Our team uses best-in-class photographers and attends all shoots for the full length to show your home in its best light, make a positive first impression, and attract more buyers.